Posts Tagged ‘residential’

Foshan Villa L佛山L宅
March 8, 2020
佛山L宅 本项目是独立小住宅改造项目,原有建筑为混凝土框架结构的长方形平面,改造设计考虑了广东的气候特点,采用双墙和错开洞口的方式避开了直射阳光,并产生了容纳绿植的灰空间。在内部空间改造中,“居住塔”和多个挑空小中庭被组合使用,希望能够产生住宅内部的空间流通和共享。
2020 | RENOVATION建筑改造和室内 | Tags: house, residential

Zhoushan Summer Hotel舟山海街11号民宿酒店
August 23, 2019
The site locates at the north-west part of the fishing village, facing the bay and a sandy beach. The main structure of this four-story building was almost finished before the new assignment of designing a 12-room mini-hotel. This project was aims to seek an alternative way within the context of architecture, so as to bring […]