2021. 11
2021. 10
MAT Office 作品Muee餐厅获得2021DFA亚洲最具影响力大奖。
2021. 09
2021. 09
2021. 08
2021. 05
2021. 04
张淼受邀参加Roca-Beijing 组织的“设计互说”分享讨论会,讨论设计的边界。
2020. 10
MAT Office受策展人刘宇扬邀请,在上海参加首届中欧建筑邀请展,唐康硕在展览论坛上做了《 关于群组形式和集体空间的思考》讲座。
2020. 09
2020. 08
MAT Office作品“超级巴比伦”受邀参加深圳创意设计周家具展的“全球建筑联合大展”。
2020. 06
2020. 04
2020. 02
2019. 12
2019. 11
2019. 10
应马来西亚建筑学会沙巴分会的邀请,唐康硕在哥打京那巴鲁的沙巴BAF建筑节上做了名为“ 从共享空间到集体空间”的主题演讲。
2019. 09
2019. 09
2019. 07
MAT Office 受邀参加了由凤凰卫视和故宫博物院联合主办的《清明上河图3.0》香港数码艺术展。事务所参与了其中《开放之城》主题展览中关于北宋东京城市空间演变的研究工作,并同时带来一个空间装置用于呈现研究结果。
2019. 06
2019. 03
2019. 03
MAT Office作品“北京邦舍青年路公寓”受邀参加深圳创意设计周家具展的“中日都市社群新提案”板块,策展人土谷贞雄邀请了8家中国和日本的事务所一起分享基于社群创造的设计案例;MAT合伙人唐康硕还做了题为《从共享空间到集体空间》的主题演讲。
2018. 12
2018. 11
苏州国际设计周开幕,MAT Office受邀完成了苏州设计周pavilion的设计和建造,pavilion为设计周期间的活动提供发布和沙龙场地。
2018. 09
MAT Office受邀参加2018北京设计周郎园论坛和天桥论坛,并就城市更新主题发表了演讲。
2018. 09
MAT Office与英国皇家艺术学院、清华大学、世界学院联合主办了由英国国家学书院支持的研究项目《集体形制:中国邻里单元》北京站的社区调研和工作坊。MAT合伙人张淼作为主讲嘉宾在清华主办的研讨会上发表题为《从空间设计到内容设计》的主题演讲。
2018. 07
2018. 06
2018. 06
MAT Office 参加了由世界学院TGS在北京举办的B/side设计节,并做了关于“青年共享居住”的主题演讲。
2018. 06
2018. 05
MAT Office 设计作品“北京邦舍青年路公寓”入选第16届威尼斯双年展平行展——“穿越中国”项目,展览在威尼斯建筑大学的特隆宫举行,为期六个月。
2018. 04
2018. 03
2018. 03
2018. 02
MAT Office 受邀请成为哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院的2018春季学期开放式教学合作机构,并就“社区引力波——社区文化空间”课题开展一个为期四周的建筑设计课程。
2018. 01
MAT Office 在第7届深港双城双年展的半层读建筑活动中,做了名为“Design as (Re)Search” 的主题演讲。
2017. 11
MAT Office 受邀参加了在杭州举办的亚洲设计管理论坛(ADM2017),并给出了“设计作为一种研究”的主题演讲。
2017. 07
MAT Office 参与了北京西城区天桥平房地区的胡同更新项目,该项目将参加2017年北京设计周。
2017. 02
MAT Office 受邀请成为哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院的2017春季学期开放式教学合作机构,并就“社区引力波——开源社区学校”课题开展一个为期四周的建筑设计课程,唐康硕和张淼担任合作任课教师。课程的北京workshop部分与LCD设计实验室合作教学。
2017. 01
2016. 12
2016. 12
2016. 10
2016. 09
唐康硕在2016北京设计周的郎园城市更新论坛发表演讲《Office 3.0——另一种方式的共享》。
2016. 09
2016. 08
MAT Office 关于办公空间的研究报告《Office 3.0》正式众筹出版。
2016. 07
唐康硕在由加泰罗尼亚高等建筑学院(IAAC)和LCD设计实验室共同发起的全球夏季学院计划(GSS)北京工作坊上做了关于《Office 3.0》的演讲。
2016. 05
MAT Office 应意大利雅伦格基金会邀请,赴克罗地亚参加建筑师交流活动,并就事务所近期项目做了名为《A Good Life》的演讲。
2016. 05
MAT Office 参加了第15届威尼斯国际建筑双年展平行展“共享/再生” 展览的部分展览空间设计。
2016. 04
2016. 04
MAT Office 受恩派公益组织邀请,从建筑师的视角为社区公益活动工作者们分享“社区设计”课题研究。
2016. 03
2016. 03
MAT Office 参加了第15届威尼斯建筑双年展平行展“共享/再生”,并承担禅宫展厅的展览设计工作。
2016. 02
MAT Office 受邀请成为哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院的2016春季学期开放式教学合作机构,并就“社区引力波——后城市时代的社区设计”课题 开展一个为期四周的建筑设计课程,唐康硕和张淼担任合作任课教师。
2016. 01
张淼受邀担任2016中国写字楼峰会“联合办公与众创空间”分论坛主持人,并就该主题做题为“OFFICE 3.0——未来办公空间”的主题演讲。
2015. 08
MAT Office 持续开展对于“办公空间”的研究课题,并制定了关于研究成果的出版计划。
2015. 06
MAT Office 参与了由都市实践主持建筑师王辉发起的“城市存量——公交场站上的微城市” 研究课题。同时,唐康硕和张淼在中国科学院大学建筑研究与设计中心的小学期设计课“年轻人的微城市” 中担任指导教师。
2015. 05
2015. 04
MAT Office 的Office3.0系列研究部分被收录《舒适》杂志169期的“Office 3.0,新办公室时代”特辑,张淼发表文章《在未来,有一种生活叫工作》。
2015. 03
MAT Office 在北京 SMART 联合办公空间艺术客厅进行了“Office3.0—The Next Working Space” 的主题讲座,并组织哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院学生带来了未来办公空间研究工作坊的案例调研分享会。
2015. 03
2015. 02
MAT Office 受邀请成为哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院的2015春季学期开放式教学合作机构,并就关于未来办公空间的研究课题 “Office3.0—The Next Working Space” 开展一个为期四周的建筑设计课程,唐康硕和张淼担任合作任课教师。
MAT Office 在中文建筑媒体 IKUKU.CN 上发布了《看得见的城市》专栏。专栏为期两年,记录对城市和建筑的比较式阅读。
唐康硕被哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院邀请为国际联合设计课程的客座教师。他将会与意大利建筑学者Giorgio Ponzo一起,共同执教名为“创意探索——用类型学方式思考知识空间”的三周强化设计课程。
张淼和唐康硕加入了由都市实践主持建筑师王辉发起的“用微观改变宏观——以团结湖老旧小区公共设计提升为例”的课题,并在中国科学院大学建筑研究与设计中心的强化训练营 “城市住区微设计” 中担任指导教师。
MAT Office被邀请在联创国际设计集团北京分公司举行了名为《城市设计的系统性思维》的讲座。
2021. 11
MAT participates in the 4th Suzhou Design Week, and will design a pavilion at Taoyuanli, which acts as the main installation in Wujiang parts.
2021. 10
MAT Office project Muee Restaurant is announced as winner of 2021 DFA Awards.
2021. 09
Zhang Miao is invited to give a lecture of “How will we live together?” at Beijing 751 International Design Festival 2021.
2021. 09
Kangshuo Tang gives a lecture of <Material Reorganisation>, at APT Design China Beijing forum.
2021. 08
Kangshuo Tang and Zhang Miao give a lecture at UED young architect forum Beijing, the lecture is about community practice and the project <Tree Courtyard>.
2021. 05
Kangshuo Tang and Miao Zhang are invited to the NCIO Architecture&Design Screening Programme, organised by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Kangshuo Tang gives a speech of <How do we build in the Anthropocene?> at Anaya Art Centre.
2021. 04
Miao Zhang is invited to the design talk “ The Edge of Design”, organised by Roca Beijing.
2020. 10
MAT Office is invited by curator Yuyang Liu to participate the 2020 Sino-Europe Architecture Exhibition in Shanghai, Kangshuo Tang gives a lecture <Group Form and Collective Space> on the exhibition forum.
2020. 09
Kangshuo Tang is invited to give a lecture on JJP Design Forum” The New Edge”, as the lecturer No.97. The lecture topic is <MAT as a Spatial Exploration>.
2020. 08
MAT delivers the research project” Super Babylon” to the Global Architecture Exhibition in Shenzhen Creative Design Week, the exhibition is curated by Japanese curator Tsuchiya Sadao.
2020. 06
Kangshuo Tang is invited to give a seminar “ from working space to shared community”, to the students of China Fine Art Academy.
2020. 04
MAT is invite to join the Venice Architecture Biennale 2020, China Pavilion, and delivers the project “ Youth Community Courtyard under the Tree”.
2020. 02
Kangshuo Tang engages as external tutor of Beijing University of Architecture and Engineering, and gives a 16-week design course named”Park+Office”.
2019. 12
MAT is invited to participate in the 2019 UABB Dapeng Xichong Sub-Venue, and delivers an spatial installation, the “Bonfire” artwork was installed on-site.
2019. 11
ZHANG Miao and TANG Kangshuo publish an article at the core magazine< China City Planning Review>, the article named<Promoting Functional Upgrading Through Spatial Renovation: An Exploration on the Design Methods of Old Community Renewal>.
2019. 10
Invited by Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM), Sabah Chapter, Kangshuo TANG gives a presentation of “from Sharing Space to Collective Space” on the Sabah Borneo Architecture Festival(BAF) conference at the city of Kota Kinabalu.
2019. 09
Miao ZHANG is invited to the “Future of Old Town·Short-term in Old Town” Talks organised by World Architecture Magazine, and gives a speech named “Two courtyards/One lifestyle”.
2019. 09
Kangshuo TANG is invited to the “ IN-HUTONG/RE-HUTONG” Practices Talks, organised by URBANUS, this Talks is also one of the Baitasi area events of 2019 Beijing Design Week.
2019. 07
MAT Offie is invited to participate the “Springtime Along the River” Hong Kong exhibition, which organised by The Palace Museum and Phoenix Satellite Television. MAT contributes a research about the spatial transformation of the Northern Song capital city, and delivers an installation related to the topic.
2019. 06
Kangshuo TANG is invited as guest jury of graduation defense for studio No.10, School of Architecture, Central Academy of Fine Arts.
2019. 03
Kangshuo TANG and Miao ZHANG are invited to the opening exhibition “ Unknown City” by Pingshan Art Museum, Shenzhen. They also bring the artwork installation named “ post-connection”.
2019. 03
MAT project “Beijing Boonself Youth Apartment” is selected to participate in the exhibition of “Chinese-Japanese urban community proposal”, the curator Tsuchiya Sadao invites 8 Chinese and Japanese architectural offices to present their community design projects. MAT partner Kangshuo TANG also gives a lecture named “from Sharing Space to Collective Space”.
2018. 12
Kangshuo TANG and Miao ZHANG discuss the status and responsibility of architects in the program “Sixty Second Idea of Improve Architecture” initiated by World Architecture magazine.
2018. 11
Kangshuo Tang is invited as guest critic of the third-year studio “University academy and apartment” in Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
2018. 11
Opening of Suzhou Design Week, MAT Office was invited to design a pavilion for the various events and salons during the design week.
2018. 09
MAT Office is invited by Langyuan Talk and Tianqiao Symposium, Beijing Design Week, to give speech on urban regeneration.
2018. 09
Collaborating with Royal College of Art(RCA),Tsinghua University and The Global School, MAT Office organized a two-day workshop named “Collective Forms: The Chinese Neighbourhood Unit” in Beijing. The workshop is part of a research project supported by the British Academy. MAT partner Miao Zhang also lectured at the workshop symposium in Tsinghua University.
2018. 07
Kangshuo Tang taught at the Architectural Workshop in Xiamen as studio supervisor.
2018. 06
MAT Office takes part in the B/Side Festival in Beijing and gives a speech of “ A Shared Life Circle of Young People”, the design festival is initiated by The Globe School.
2018. 06
Kangshuo Tang is invited as guest critic of the first-year studio “Public toilet renovation in Fangjiahutong” in Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
2018. 06
Kangshuo Tang is invited as guest speaker of Hemei Festival Symposium in Jinhua, Zhejiang province, and gives a speech on Planning and Design of the Jindong rural experiential zone.
2018. 05
MAT Office participate in the 16th International Biennale Venice collateral exhibition “Across Chinese Cities” with the project of “Boonself Youth Apartment Beijing”, the exhibition takes place at Ca’Tron, Santa Croce, Venice.
2018. 04
Kangshuo Tang is invited as guest critic of the third-year studio “community space renovation” in Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
2018. 03
Kangshuo Tang and Miao Zhang publish an article entitled “Towards a free working space” on magazine World Architecture, the article discusses the development and future of Co-working space in China.
2018. 03
Kangshuo Tang is invited as guest speaker of “ International Symposium on Development and Design for Long-term Rental Apartments” in Hangzhou, and gives a lecture named “ A Shared Life Circle of Young People”.
MAT Office is invited by School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, as the co-operative institution of 2017 Open Teaching, they will lead a four-weeks studio named” community cultural space”.
MAT Office gives a lecture “Design as (Re)Search” arranged by upper bookstore on the 7th UABB.
MAT Office is invited to the 2017 Asia Design Management Forum in Hangzhou, and gives a speech of “Design as (Re)Search”.
MAT Office participates in the Hutong Regeneration Project for Tianqiao Area Beijing, the project will also be displayed on the 2017 Beijing Design Week.
MAT Office is invited by School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, as the co-operative institution of 2017 Open Teaching. Kangshuo Tang and Miao Zhang will teach in a four-weeks architectural design studio following the research topic “Community Gravitational Wave—Open Source Community School”. The Beijing Workshop will be a collaboration tutorial with LCD.
2017. 01
Miao Zhang gives a lecture of “ Work as a lifestyle in the future” in China Office Building Internet Conference 2017.
2016. 12
Miao Zhang gives a lecture of “School of Tomorrow, Home in the Future” at the humanistic esthetic open class in Hangzhou.
2016. 12
Kangshuo Tang is invited as exterior tutor of “system design” studio in Central Academy of Fine Arts.
2016. 10
Miao Zhang participates an open discussion named “Startup Architects, do it right and do it now” organised by Conde Nast-ZHUYI, the event is part of the 751D-Park forum, Beijing Design Week 2016.
2016. 09
Kangshuo Tang gives a lecture “Office 3.0, Another Sharing Workspace” at Beijing Design Week, Vintage talk.
2016. 09
Miao Zhang gives a speech on GCUC China 2016.
2016. 08
The research report <Office 3.0> is officially released.
2016. 07
Kangshuo Tang gives a lecture of <Office 3.0> for GSS Beijing Workshop initiated by IAAC Spain and LCD Beijing.
2016. 05
MAT Office is invited by EMG foundation(Italy) to participate the architectural forum in Croatia, Kangshuo Tang also gives a presentation named “ A Good Life” about the recent works.
2016. 05
MAT Office participate in the 15th International Biennale Venice collateral exhibition “Sharing & Regeneration”, by making exhibition design for Zen Palace.
The book <Creative Exploration> edited by Kangshuo Tang is published by China Architecture & Building Press, the book shows the result of 2014 International Joint Design, Harbin Institute of Technology.
MAT Office is invited by non-profit organisation NPI, to give a lecture on “Community Design” research project from the perspective of architect.
<OFFICE3.0, another sharing workspace> is published by Kangshuo Tang, Miao Zhang and YIjia Wang, in the architectural journal Urban Architecture 2016(2).
MAT Office participates in the external exhibition “Sharing and Regeneration” for 15th Venice Architecture Biennale, as the exhibition designer for Zen Palace.
MAT Office is invited by School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, as the co-operative institution of 2016 Open Teaching. Kangshuo Tang and Miao Zhang will teach in a four-weeks architectural design studio following the research topic “Community Gravitational Wave—community design in post urbanisation era”.
Miao Zhang is invited as “co-working space” sub-forum moderator by China Office Building summit 2016, she will also make a speech entitled “OFFICE 3.0, the next working space”.
MAT Office continue the research project “ Office and working Space” and make agenda for the further publication.
MAT Office join the research project of “Inventory of Urban Space, Micro City upon Bus Stations”, which is initiated by Urbanus partner Hui Wang. They also teach in the relative design studio at the architecture design center, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Kangshuo Tang is engaged as External Master Supervisor by Graduate School and the School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology.
The research series “Office 3.0” ,which is initiated by MAT Office, is included in COMFORT magazine issue 169, with a special feature named “Office 3.0, the New Working Era”. Miao Zhang publishes the article “ In the Future, There is a Life Called Work”.
MAT Office gives a lecture of “Office3.0—The Next Working Space” at Beijing SMART Co-Working Space, following a case-study presentation and a sharing session by the HIT students from “Office 3.0” studio.
Miao Zhang and Kangshuo Tang participate as the teaching assistant in the open studio of Tsinghua University, they will assist Urbanus partner Hui Wang, conducting an architectural design studio named “Micro City for Young People” for the third year students.
MAT Office is invited by School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, as the co-operative institution of 2015 Open Teaching. Kangshuo Tang and Miao Zhang will teach in a four-weeks architectural design studio following the research topic “Office 3.0—The Next Working Space”.
Miao Zhang is invited to the symposium “ Brain Storm|City Revitalization — Back to the Ideal Originality”, which is initiated by CBC Academy. She gives a talk on the relationship of old city regeneration and the adapting city life.
MAT Office releases a column on the Chinese Architectural Media IKUKU.CN, the two-years column called “Visible City”, aims to document the comparative reading of the architecture and the city.
Miao Zhang is invited by Zhaohui Wu, supervisor of the 2014 Inside-out Summer School, as assistant tutor teaching in the studio ” Between Inside and Outside–Public Guidance of Longfusi Street”.
Kangshuo Tang is invited as a guest tutor for the “international joint design” by School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology. He will collaborate with Giorgio Ponzo, conducting a design studio named “Creative Explorations, three building types for the processes of knowledge production”.
Miao Zhang gives a lecture called ” From Information to Graphic” to the students of architecture design center, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Miao Zhang and Kangshuo Tang join the research project of “Micro changes Macro, example of improving the old traditional Tuanjiehu Neighborhood”, which is initiated by Urbanus partner Hui Wang. They will also teach in the relative design studio “Micro-design in Urban Community” at the architecture design center, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Miao Zhang and Kangshuo Tang join the research project of Qianmen, Beijing, initiated by Urbanus and Urbanus Research Bureau (URB).
MAT Office is invited to give a lecture in UDG Design Group Co. Ltd., Beijing branch. The lecture is called “Systematic Thinking in Urban Design”.
Kangshuo Tang publishes the article “Spontaneous City” in the architectural journal Urban Architecture.
Miao Zhang and Kangshuo Tang take part in the exhibition group of the Berlage Center for the 5th UABB.
2013. 09
Miao Zhang and Kangshuo Tang join the curatorial team with the Creative Director Ole Bouman, for the Value Factory of the 5th Shenzhen/Hong Kong Urban and Architecture Bi-city Biennale(UABB).