Posts Tagged ‘steel structure’

Suzhou Design Week Pavilion苏州设计周风之亭
March 24, 2019
“风之亭”作为2018苏州国际设计周最主要的一个公共活动空间场所,是承担设计周期间的信息发布、文化沙龙等公共功能的pavilion临时建筑,其设计灵感来自于江南民居聚落中连绵起伏的屋顶。我们将传统民居中的屋顶解构为多个平面几何,并在空中的不同高度上重新组合,使之形成一个由一组漂浮的屋顶所限定的空间——“风之亭”。我们将传统建筑的基本元素通过一种当代的、艺术化的设计手法来抽象、重组、再构,试图引发人们重新思考“传统与未来”连接的可能性。 As one of the most important public space in the design week, “Beyond the Wind” pavilion is not only a cultural landmark, but also a carrier of various public events such as information release and cultural salon.The inspiration is taken from traditional settlement roofs, and recomposed in an artistic way, aiming to revive the […]