Posts Tagged ‘hotel’

Beijing Miyun Huangyangu Vineyard Hotel北京密云黄岩谷葡萄园酒店
February 16, 2022
位于京郊密云的黄岩谷葡萄园酒店是为城市人群提供短期休闲度假和另一种生活方式的文旅项目。项目选址四面环山,面对大片生态葡萄园,场地南北有约5-6米的高差。规划方式在综合考虑了客房视线和原有小树林的空间关系基础上,结合地形设计了四种不同类型的客房组织方式,并试图通过面对葡萄园的公共餐厅营造短期度假居住的公共氛围。设计旨在用朴素有力的建筑语言和自然环境对话,让短暂离开城市的人们在诗意的自然环境中,在山川大地之间思考生活的意义。 Located in Miyun, a suburb of Beijing, the Huangyangu Vineyard Hotel is a cultural tourism project that provides short-term leisure vacations and another way of life for urban people. The site of the project is surrounded by mountains on all sides, facing a large area of ecological vineyards, and there is a height difference […]
2022 | ARCHITECTURE规划和建筑设计 | Tags: hotel, landscape, nature

Zhoushan Summer Hotel舟山海街11号民宿酒店
August 23, 2019
The site locates at the north-west part of the fishing village, facing the bay and a sandy beach. The main structure of this four-story building was almost finished before the new assignment of designing a 12-room mini-hotel. This project was aims to seek an alternative way within the context of architecture, so as to bring […]