Stacking City
The city of Buenos Aires is constituted upon a small-scale blocks, which is based on the certain grid system. We introduce the ‘ block’ concept into the contemporary art museum project, which is able to represent the city culture, not only physically but also psychologically. The blocks are stacked vertically as containers in order to maintain the inhabitants’ daily life and city memories.
An art museum is not only an area for painting exhibition, it’s also supposed to be a public space full-filling with social events and the daily life of the city inhabitants. The site is adjacent to the avenue which connects the city center and the new bridge. Corresponding with the urban planning, we propose a public courtyard which is open to the city, with waterfront and city fabric at both sides. The courtyard provides not only a place for encounter and dialogue, but also a shared space for entertainments and activities.
Urban landscape has also been integrated into this concept. A flowing rooftop as the vertical garden is made to activate the rough, monotone riverbank. It provides the possibilities for the inhabitants to stay in this vivid public space, and in the evening, it could be converted into a place for Tango.